HomeTechGadgetsWhy Indian Smartphone Customers Prefer Fast Charging and Long-Lasting Battery?

Why Indian Smartphone Customers Prefer Fast Charging and Long-Lasting Battery?


The common problem that all of us face while using our aged mobiles phones is that their battery life starts to drain faster than it used to in the past. Where our smartphone battery used to last up to 8-12 hours per charge now it only lasts up to 4-6 hours. Smartphones even start taking longer to charge and it is quite frustrating for us users. No one wants to deal with it but you cannot avoid it since it happens with every old smartphone.

That’s why when we go to the store to purchase a smartphone we always look for a phone that has a long-lasting battery and has a fast-charging option. When you are doing the live streaming and playing games on your phone. You are going to require a smartphone that can easily support you to do the streaming and gaming for long hours. As an Indian 7 out of 8 Indian smartphone users think the battery life and fast charging is a substantial factor while purchasing the phone.

During the survey to see which smartphone users were content with their battery life OPPO was one of the best and top contenders and on the second number Samsung secured the seat and the Realme was placed on the number three.

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Moving on to the Fast-Charging while doing the research it was found that once again OPPO is still on number one followed by the OnePlus on the second number and then Samsung.

During the analysis, the analyst asked smartphone users what is the most important feature in their eyes that they always look for in a smartphone while purchasing it. 60% of people commented that long-lasting battery life is one of the most common features they always look for, followed by a good selfie and rear camera.

To be honest, they are right to keep the battery life feature on top of their priorities list while they are purchasing the smartphone. Would you like to find out why that is? Let me explain it to you in simple words. If you have a job that requires you to be out and about, and your work requires you to take a lot of phone calls constantly, or if you are someone who loves capturing every single moment of your life while you are out.

A long-lasting battery becomes a necessity in your case since you can’t just charge your phone in a few hours when you are out. You always keep it in your consideration that somehow you don’t end up with a smartphone that is not even serving its purpose and in the end waste all your hard-earned money.

We start living in fear that somehow we don’t end up draining our battery while we are outside. That’s why we start using all the tricks to make our phone battery last for a longer period. This fear leads us to keep our smartphone brightness on low, keep on the battery saver mode, close every battery-consuming application, since the wi-fi and GPS consume the battery life we start turning them off so that we make the most out of our limited battery life.

It is normal for every individual to charge their phone during nighttime. Where in the past we needed to charge our feature phone in 2 to 3 days due to its limited use. But now things are different in the present since the smartphone became an inseparable part of our life and its unlimited efficacy in our daily life requires us to charge our phones at least twice in 24 hours.

Final Verdict

Every smartphone brand in the market claims to be the best and always showcasing and promoting the promising features they provide in their smartphones. But every single feature falls flat if the battery life can’t keep up with our requirements. It’s better as frequent users of smartphones that we don’t fall for these glamour commercials glorifying the particular brand. As a manufacturer and marketers, they will do everything in their power to sell mobiles to their consumers. So it’s your responsibility that you do your proper research and go to different sites that sell phones online and check out the feature which is on the top of your list requirements and only then you should buy the phone of your dreams.

Anaya Sharma
Anaya Sharma
Anaya Sharma is Writer and Gadget Researcher. She has completed her BA in English literature from Mumbai India. She is specialized in technology and gadgets.

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