HomeBusinessHow To Use The Amazon Search Term Report

How To Use The Amazon Search Term Report

Knowing the terms that customers are using when searching for your product on Amazon is crucial in determining your strategy for your content.

Amazon search data provides Amazon Seller Central sellers an opportunity to understand what consumers are searching to find and the way they relate to your products.

The Amazon Search Terms Report provides an easy way to gain data on what customers are looking for.

With this report, you’ll gain important information and insight into the search engine’s performance.

In this post, I will explain what the Amazon Search Term Report is and how you can analyze it, and how to use the report. Ready? Let’s get started.

What Is The Amazon Search Term Report?

The Amazon Search Term Report is an analysis of the keywords users are using to locate your product.

The report is accessible through Amazon Brand Analytics. If your report has been properly segmented, it will contain keywords in raw form which can be tied with specific ASINs.

If you are an Amazon Seller (or Vendor) you can utilize the Amazon Search Terms report to identify the most crucial keywords for your Amazon company and then improve the listings you display or your PPC campaign.

How To Use The Amazon Search Term Report

The information obtained from this report Amazon Search Term study can be beneficial to Amazon sellers because you can utilize it to conduct Amazon keyword research using actual searches by customers.

It is possible to improve your advertising and product descriptions and campaigns by identifying the keywords that consumers are using to locate your items.

For instance, optimization of listings is accomplished by using long-tail keywords, as well as other keywords that are important in the title of the product, bullet points, backend keywords, and backend.

By doing this, your website to be included on the search results page, for the most significant keywords, and, as a result, increase customers to your website by using new terms.

Here are a few different ways you can make use of the advice in this report:

Optimize Your Listings

To determine if your listings are appropriate, Amazon compares search terms.

It could be necessary to improve your listings for products if your bid is too high, and you’re not getting any clicks for the keywords.

Always tweak and improve your product’s title, description and bullet points by using these keywords.

Be sure to include the main characteristics of your product, its functions, and any other details buyers on Amazon might find useful. An Amazon Copywriter can assist you in creating your optimal listing.

Optimize Your Backend Search Terms

Your product’s relevancy is impacted by backend search phrases. Use these terms in the report to increase the search results on backends and see an increase in traffic to relevant products.

Because this is a constant process, it is important to look at patterns within the information to spot new opportunities for search terms ahead of your competitors in the market.

In general, it is generally true that the Amazon Search Terms report gives Amazon sellers important information to improve the conversions as well as the clicks and profits of their merchandise. Use the information you receive to improve your listing and enable customers to locate your product.

Be sure to add simple words that are separated by space without commas. Start by using exact-match Amazon keywords first, and then include more generic keywords.

Take Advantage of Consumer Trends and Behavior

The report on search terms should be run regularly to gather details on the current trends of customers and purchase patterns.

Choose only the keywords with the highest total ad spending in the report. It is possible to identify low-converting keywords, and reduce their CPC, or stop them for a certain period.

To identify the keywords that result in conversions, keep the report’s filtering by ad spend active. This improves your profit while reducing your costs.

In this way it allows you to focus your energy and resources on terms with a high conversion rate instead of wasting time on irrelevant keywords.

Create Manual Campaigns

Use the search terms and keywords which were generated from “Automatic campaigns” by collecting the data that was generated. In the ideal scenario, you will consider information from the previous month.

Utilizing the help of the “Total Sales” metric, you can find and track relevant keywords from reports on search terms that result in sales. You can begin to create manual campaigns to target these keywords.

This exact SKU information associated with that search query was given by the Amazon report on search terms. However, this information is no longer available.

Optimize Your Amazon PPC Campaigns

The report on search terms is for seven days at a minimum to collect enough information for the selection of keywords. Select the keywords that improve conversion rates and increase sales. Incorporate these keywords into the advertising campaigns you already have.

Check out this article to know how to optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns.

In addition, you should look for keywords that aren’t producing enough clicks or conversions. To reduce excessive ad expenditure, add these keywords to the “negative keywords” list.

You can deactivate the ad groups that generate impressions and clicks but without converting with the proper data on search queries and segmentation.

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